Does the video show Ukrainian tanks in Belgorod, Russia? No, that's not true, the video was filmed in Kyiv, Ukraine on Zhylianska street.
The video (archived here) was published on TikTok.com by used @natovp_natovp on May 23rd with a caption that reads "Belgorod, 24.05.23"
This is what the post looked like on TikTok at the time of writing:
(Source: TikTok screenshot taken on Thu May 25 20:09:18 2023 UTC)
The street and the buildings shown in the video are located in Kyiv, Ukraine, not Belgorod. A parade of Ukrainian tanks can be seen in the video driving down Zhylianska Street in Kyiv and a google street view photo shown here shows the exact location where the video was filmed.
Looking at the surrounding buildings it can be determined that the location where the tanks are passing trough is in fact in Kyiv, Ukraine on Zhylianska St. Seen on Google Maps here